Rank Checker
Released: Sep 09, 2010 Price: Free Category: Utilities

*This is a tool for APP seller and the developer.
The ranking in AppStore is important factor in selling application.
By this app, you can check the all ranking of app of each countries' App Store.
The way to use it is just register the application name, country, paid/free and the category and just click the reload button when you want to check it.
It display your application's current rank.
You can search to rank 300 at most.
Also you can know the ranking in your nation and abroad.
Log function was added from the version 1.1.
This function shows past history of ranking on a list.
* This application will not collect data automatically, therefore history data will be collected only when the "reload" button was clicked.
* This application needs data communication.
* Use unlocalized name for searching (English name)
* If the ranking shows "---" means the ranking is out of top 300 or communication error. (Even with network working, if the server has problem, communication problem can occur)