Light Off
Released: Mar 15, 2011 Price: Free Category: Game - Action

Turn off the lights quickly!
It's very simple to play.
You just have to push the button of the light when it's lighted.
When you press the button of a lighted light, the light turns off and you get score points.
If you press the button of a light that is turning off, points are subtracted.
If you can turn off the lights consecutively without making any mistakes, that's a combo and you'll get bonus points.
You can enoy two types of games.
"30 second challenge"
A challenge to see how many points you can score in 30 seconds.
"Endless challenge"
When you turn off a light, the remaining time is extended.
A challenge to see how many points you can score in that time.
You're interacting with the "Game Center".
In the "Leader Board" you can compete with people from all over the world.
In "Achievement" some missions are created.
When you get some achievements you get bonus.
For this bonus, the "Endless Challenge" turns out advantageous.
Enjoy this game aiming to be at the 1st place in the world!